4 Reasons Why Freelancing is the New Career Trend

Right now, millions of people are answering work emails in their pajamas. Why? Well, it’s not because their office has an extremely generous casual Friday policy. It’s because these workers have made the choice to become freelancers.
“Freelancing offers workers experience and flexibility, so it’s no surprise more people are creating their own career paths,” said Kanchan Dutta, co-founder of clickperfect.co.in. “As a freelancer, you’re the captain of your own career, which is a very attractive prospect for many brilliant workers.”
So,  Here are a few reasons: why is freelancing the new career movement?

1. Freelancing can help you gain needed experience
Freelancing presents a great opportunity for young workers to gain needed professional skills while still bringing in needed cash. This means freelancing can work as a new kind of interning, allowing you to gain skills and experience without ever fetching anyone coffee.
Considering the raging question over intern rights, including several lawsuits over unpaid internships, freelancing could present an alternative route for students and Millennial looking to break into a new industry.

2. Freelancing provides flexibility
One of the biggest reasons people consider freelancing is the increase in work-life balance a more flexible career can provide. Flexibility is a huge perk of the freelance lifestyle, and one Millennials are increasingly willing to make sacrifices to achieve. In fact, a recent survey showed a flexible work schedule is even more important to young workers than salary.

“It’s not all about working in your pajamas or cutting out long commutes, although those are certainly attractive to potential freelancers,” Kanchan said. “As a freelancer you can be your own boss, make your own hours, and focus on work you find creatively fulfilling.”

3. Freelancing helps you go global or grow locally
Since you don’t have to go into the office every morning, freelancing widens the pool of available opportunities you can pursue. Job searching for a traditional position means limiting yourself to the opportunities close by, unless you’re ready to uproot your life and move to a new location. With freelancing there’s no moving necessary, which means you can work with someone around the corner or around the globe.
“Freelancing is just business without borders,” Kanchan said.

4. Freelancing expands your business network
Freelancing can be a great way to expand your professional network, especially when you’re just starting out in your chosen industry. Going to endless networking events and rubbing elbows can be a huge pain, and often you won’t end up with much more to show for it than a few free appetizers.
The way to really impress those in your industry is with your work. Freelancing allows you to meet new people, make new contacts, and let your work speak for itself. As a young worker without an extensive resume, freelancing can help you prove yourself and gain needed experience. People amazed by your abilities, professionalism, and creativity will likely come back to you in the future and recommend you to others in their professional network.
For Millennial looking for a more static, traditional full-time job, freelancing can help you build a positive reputation. The quality contacts you get from freelancing can eventually help you score a great position, since you’re now a known property. Employers are looking for candidates who can not only do the work, but also fit into the overall company culture. By proving both through your freelance work, you’ll increase your odds of landing a position within your new expanded network.

Bytheway, Freelancing isn’t always an easy road to travel, but it can provide great rewards for young workers willing to step off the beaten career path.

Article Written by: Kanchan Dutta

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